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Organizational Structure

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Composition of Membership of BOC & BOD BOC Committees BOD Committees Corporate Secretary Board of Commissioners Charter and Board of Directors Charter BOD and BOC Meetings Organization Structure

Composition of Membership of BOC & BOD

Board of Commisioners

President Commissioner

Djohan Emir Setijoso


Tonny Kusnadi

Independent Commissioner

Cyrillus Harinowo

Independent Commissioner

Raden Pardede

Independent Commissioner

Sumantri Slamet

Based on Statement of Resolution of Meeting No. 33 dated 10 May 2022 made before Christina Dwi Utama, S.H., M.Hum., M.Kn., Notary in Jakarta, composition of Membership of Board of Commissioners as of 10 May 2022.

Board of Directors

President Director

Jahja Setiaatmadja

Deputy President Director

Armand Wahyudi Hartono

Deputy President Director

Gregory Hendra Lembong


Subur Tan


Rudy Susanto

Director (concurrently serves as Compliance Director)

Lianawaty Suwono




Vera Eve Lim


Haryanto Tiara Budiman


Frengky Chandra Kusuma


John Kosasih


Antonius Widodo Mulyono

Based on Statement of Resolution of Meeting No. 33 dated 10 May 2022 made before Christina Dwi Utama, S.H., M.Hum., M.Kn., Notary in Jakarta, composition of Membership of Board of Directors as of 10 May 2022.

BOC Committees

Audit Committee


Sumantri Slamet

Member (Independent Party)

Fanny Sagitadewi

Member (Independent Party)

Rallyati A. Wibowo

Appointment of Chairman and Members of The Audit Committee of PT Bank Central Asia Tbk (the “Company”) is conducted by the Board of Directors Decision No. 073/SK/DIR/2021 dated 22 April 2021 based on the Board of Commissioners Meeting Minutes No. 20/RR/KOM/2021 dated 22 April 2021.

Risk Oversight Committee


Cyrillus Harinowo

Member (Independent Party)

Subianto Rustandi

Member (Independent Party)

Endang S. Wibowo

Appointment of members of the Risk Oversight Committee of PT Bank Central Asia Tbk (the “Company”) is conducted by the Board of Directors Decision No. 079/SK/DIR/2021 dated 29 April 2021 based on the Board of Commissioners Meeting Decision No. 21/RR/KOM/2021 dated 28 April 2021.

Remuneration and Nomination Committee


Raden Pardede


D.E. Setijoso

Member (Head of Human Capital Management Division)

Rudi Lim

Appointment of members of the Remuneration and Nomination Committee of PT Bank Central Asia Tbk (the “Company”) is conducted by the Board of Directors Decision No. 064B/SK/DIR/2021 dated 7 April 2021 based on the Board of Commissioners Meeting Decision No. 17A/RR/KOM/2021 dated 7 April 2021.

Integrated Governance Committee


Cyrillus Harinowo

Member (Independent Party)


Member (Independent Commissioner of PT BCA Finance)


Member (Independent Commissioner of PT Asuransi Umum BCA)

Gustiono Kustianto

Member (Independent Commissioner of PT Asuransi Jiwa BCA)


Member (Independent Commissioner of PT Bank BCA Syariah)

Ratna Yanti

Member (Member of Syariah Supervisory Board of PT Bank BCA Syariah)

Sutedjo Prihatono

Member (Independent Director of BCA Finance Limited)

Irianto Sutanto

Member (Independent Commissioner of PT BCA Multi Finance)

Mendari Handaya

Member (Independent Commissioner of PT BCA Sekuritas)

Hendra Iskandar Lubis

Member (Independent Commissioner of PT Bank Digital BCA)

Sri Indrajanti Dewi

Appointment of members of The Integrated Governance Committee of PT Bank Central Asia Tbk (the “Company”) is conducted by the Board of Directors Decision No. 052/SK/DIR/2022 dated 31 March 2022 based on the Board of Commissioners Meeting Decision No. 15/RR/KOM/2022 dated 30 March 2021. The office term of The Integrated Governance Committee members until the closing of the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders of the Company to be held in the year of 2026 or dismissed by the Board of Commissioners.

BOD Committees
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Corporate Secretary

Corporate Secretary

Raymon Yonarto

Board of Commissioners
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Boards of Directors
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Organization Structure
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