Business Personal Loan

Working capital credit for customer who don’t have additional collateral

Kredit Multiguna Usaha

Memenuhi Berbagai Kebutuhan

Tidak hanya modal kerja, namun bisa juga untuk investasi, pengembangan usaha, biaya-biaya, dan sebagainya

Suku Bunga Kompetitif

Suku bunga menarik dan fixed selama periode tertentu

Fleksibel dan Mudah

Jangka waktu lebih panjang sehingga angsuran lebih ringan

Kredit Usaha Rakyat

About Important Information Fee, Limits and Interest Rate Get the service

Kredit Usaha Rakyat

Business personal or investment loan for productive and decent individual debtor or business group however the loan are for those who haven’t had or insufficient additional collateral


Broad network
Broad network all over Indonesia

Important Information

Types of People's Business Credit (KUR)

Super Micro Credit and Micro Credit

  • Working Capital Loan (Kredit Modal Kerja, or KMK): 3 years; and Investment Loan (Kredit Investasi, or KI): 5 years
  • Fees for Appraisal and Preparation of Notarial Security Agreement: N/A

Small Credit and Special Credit

  • Working Capital Loan (KMK): 4 years; and Investment Loan (KI): 5 years
  • Fees for Appraisal and Preparation of Notarial Security Agreement: to be determined according to the applicable provisions

Types of Eligible Collateral

  • Vacant Land / Land and Building
  • Kiosks/shops
  • Motor vehicles
  • Inventory *)
  • Machinery *)

*) As additional collateral

Credit Limits

Facility Credit Limit
Super Micro Credit Rp10.000.000
Micro Credit Rp10.000.000 - Rp50.000.000
Small Credit Rp50.000.000 - Rp500.000.000

Note : A penalty may be imposed according to the application provisions

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