Quick service solution for cash and non-cash business transaction for entrepreneur

Why BCA Bizz?

Quick & Saving Time

Access to special counter with BCA Bizz logo, no queueing and saving time as counting cash bundle deposit globally and posted immediately

Can be represented

Transaction can be represented by guardian and available for Saturday online transaction if needed

Full service

Drop Bag counter and pick up service are available with agreement between BCA of time and place without minimum transaction


About Important Information Get the service

BCA Bizz

Business solution for cash and non-cash business transaction without spending much time and queuing


Pick Up Service
Cash and document handover service in secure bag, pick up will be done with time and place agreement with BCA

Important Information


  • Some services are only available in BCA branch office that provide additional certain services
  • Ensure that valid BCA Bizz card is brought while doing transaction at counter or in BCA Bizz room
  • BCA Bizz card is available for 1 year
  • For pick up service security reason, please make sure BCA officer’s identity or other party are on courier list/third party specimen before handover cash/document during banking transaction. Therefore, make sure that the secure bag is tightly closed and sealed before given to BCA officer or other party that appointed by BCA for drop bag and bundle deposit services

Cites with BCA Bizz service

  • Jakarta
  • Surabaya
  • Bandung
  • Semarang
  • Medan
  • Makassar
  • Palembang
  • Malang
  • KCP Kelapa Gading Raya
  • KCP Pintu Air Pasar Baru
  • KCU Pekanbaru
  • KCU Padang *)
  • *) Menyediakan layanan sabtu

  • KCP Pasar Tanah Abang *)
  • KCP Grand Cempaka Mas
  • KK Metro Tanah Abang
  • KCP Alur Kuning
  • KCP Sulawesi *)
  • KCP Pusat Pasar *)
  • *) Menyediakan layanan sabtu

  • KCU Solo
  • KCU Yogyakarta
  • KCU Darmo
  • KCU Semarang
  • KCU Medan
  • KCU Suari
  • KCU Panakkukang
  • KCU Sulawesi
  • KCU Padang
  • KCU Masjid Lama
  • KCU Jambi

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