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BCA Deed of Establishment

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Articles of Association

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File Name

File Size


Articles of Association (Deed No. 218 dated 27 September 2021)

807.74 KB

Articles of Association (Deed No. 145 dated 24 August 2020)

289.17 KB

Other Deeds

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File Name

File Size


Statement of Resolutions of Shareholder's Meeting 2022 No. 33 dated 10 May 2022

1.04 MB

Minutes of AGM 2022 No. 126 dated 17 March 2022

577.65 KB

Minutes of EGM 2021 No. 178 dated 23 September 2021

1.07 MB

Statement of Resolutions of Shareholders’ Meeting 2021 No. 22 dated 4 June 2021

1.11 MB

Minutes of AGM 2021 No. 196 dated 29 March 2021

938.97 KB

Minutes of EGM 2020 No. 264 dated 30 July 2020

951.88 KB

Minutes of AGM 2020 No. 27 dated 9 April 2020

996.43 KB

Minutes of EGM 2019 No. 62 dated 20 Juni 2019

215.98 KB

Minutes of AGM 2019 No. 33 dated 11 April 2019

429.13 KB

Minutes of EGM 2018 no. 26 dated 5 April 2018

214.14 KB

Minutes of AGM 2018 no. 25 dated 5 April 2018

296.64 KB

Minutes of AGM 2017 no. 19 dated 06 April 2017

284.46 KB

Minutes of AGM 2016 no. 41 dated 07 April 2016

659.48 KB

Minutes of AGM 2015 no. 66 dated 09 April 2015

248.62 KB

Minutes of EGM 2015 no. 67 dated 09 April 2015

72.04 KB

Minutes of AGM 2014 no. 39 dated 07 April 2014

551.49 KB

Minutes of AGM 2013 no. 61 dated 06 May 2013

1.42 MB

Akta Berita Acara RUPS Tahunan 2012 No 205 tgl 16 Mei 2012

111.42 KB

Minutes of AGM 2013 no. 61 dated 06 May 2013

1.42 MB