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BCA's Commitment to Sustainability

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BCA’s Support for the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

In line with the Company’s strategy, BCA supports 9 top priorities amongst the 17 SDGs. To deliver BCA sustainability value in line with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), BCA continues to improve our ESG assessments, engagement, and shared values, and implementing good governance.

BCA’s Main Support for the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

BCA supports 17 SDGs in its activities and has mapped out 9 main SDGs in line with the Bank’s strategies, BCA's material matters, the direct impact and influence on BCA, as well as other factors that are taken into consideration in the bank's strategy:

  • Good health and well-being
  • Quality education
  • Gender equality
  • Affordable and clean energy
  • Decent work and economic growth
  • Industry, innovation, and infrastructure
  • Reduced inequalities
  • Climate action
  • Peace, justice, and strong institutio

BCA’s Support towards other Sustainable Development Goals (SDG)

BCA also continues to maximize its efforts to support the Sustainable Development Goals while continuing to provide support for the other 7 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs):

  • No poverty
  • Zero hunger
  • Clean water and sanitation
  • Sustainable cities and communities
  • Responsible consumption and production
  • Life on land
  • Partnership for the goal

2021 Sustainability Highlight

Economic Performance in 2021

Rp 154.4


Total Sustainable Financing Portfolio

Rp 7.4


Total Taxes Paid

Rp 31.4


Net Income



People’s Business Loans (KUR) Disbursement

Environmental Aspects in 2021

104,442 tCO2 eq

GHG Emissions Generated (scope 1, 2, 3)

887.8 tCO2 eq

The Estimation of Reducing Carbon Emissions through the Implementation of Digital Activities, Green Buildings, and Nature Conservation



Mangrove Rehabilitation

31.7 tCO2 eq/Year

Estimated Carbon Emission Absorption



Branch Office Adopt Environmentally-Friendly Building Features

Social Aspects in 2021

Rp 136.2


Social responsibility activity funds realization, including COVID-19 Aid


(Scale 1-5)

Customer Engagement (CE) Index


Female Occupying Branch Heads Positions



Financial Literacy Education Participants



Bakti BCA Scholarship

Awards & Achievements

In carrying out BCA's commitment to sustainability, BCA has been assessed and evaluated by various rating agencies or other ESG institutions, both nationally and internationally. Meanwhile, the awards and ratings that BCA has obtained until 2021, include: 

ESG related Award

  • Rating A MSCI ESG Rating
  • The 12th IICD Corporate Governance Award 2021
    • Best Responsibility of The Boards (Jahja Setiaatmadja)
    • Top 50 Big Capitalization Listed Company
  • Score 55 or 76th percentile ranking form Dow Jones Sustainability Indexes
  • Top 10 Constituents FTSE4Good ASEAN 5 Index
  • Ranked A+ for 2020 Sustainability Report Foundation for International Human Rights Reporting Standards (FIHRRST)
  • CLSA Ratings, Indonesia ESG - Top 10 ESG Champion
  • Rating A Refinitiv ESG score 

ESG Index

  • ESG Quality 45 IDX – KEHATI
  • ESG Sector Leaders IDX – KEHATI 

CSR related Award

  • Indonesia’s Best Corporate Sustainability Initiatives
  • Indonesia’s Corporate Sustainability Warriors 2021
  • Bisnis Indonesia Corporate Social Responsibility Award (BISRA) 2021 – Gold Champion in CSR Program for Publicly listed Company category

Human Capital related Award

  • HR Asia Award 2021 - Indonesia’s Best Companies to Work for in Asia
  • Indonesia Human Capital Award VII 2021:
    • The Best of The Best Indonesia Human Capital, predikat A - Very Excellent
    • Best of the Best Indonesia Human Capital Director (Lianawaty Suwono) 

Customer Service related Award

  • DREAM Team in Contact Center World - Asia Pacific 51 awards (36 Gold, 8 Silver, 7 Bronze)
  • 2021 Contact Center Asia Pacific Awards & Conference (CC-APAC) - Platinum Medal on Technology Innovation Category for Halo BCA App

Sustainability Governance Framework

BCA is committed to implementing sustainability principles that supports the business aspects and environmental, social, and governance (ESG) aspects alignment. The BCA's sustainability strategy and policies are implemented in accordance with the three BCA Sustainability Pillars, which are:

Responsible Banking Sustainability Culture Social Value Creation

Responsible Banking

This pillar covers the key material topics for the Bank to conduct responsible business and support sustainable development goals achievement.

Sustainability Culture

This pillar covers the implementation of sustainability values and responsible operational activities.

Social Value Creation

This pillar covers the community engagement and empowerment programs:

  • Bakti BCA Program
  • Financial Literacy and Inclusion Program

Embedding Sustainability

BCA continues to instill values and applies sustainability principles in accordance with the Sustainability Pillars. BCA's sustainability pillars contain three important aspects which are environmental, social, and governance (ESG). BCA’s sustainability is expected to maximize the full potential and create value for todays and future generations.

Internally, all BCA personnel synergize to implement the corporate values, sustainability pillars, environmental care culture, and achieve ESG targets. In addition, to increase the enthusiasm and involvement of all employees, BCA organizes Sustainability Awareness Month. This program takes the form of cultural campaign and the implementation of sustainability internally.

Sustainability Governance

BCA's sustainability strategy is in line with Sustainable Finance practices and is integrated with the corporate strategy. 

BCA's sustainability strategy emphasizes on:

  • Provision of financing for sustainable business activities
  • Improving internal capacity
  • Adjusting the organization structure, risk management, corporate governance, and/or standard operating procedures 

The implementation of sustainability aspects management is part of the responsibility of all work units and is overseen by the Board of Commissioners and the Board of Directors. To ensure sustainability governance implementation, and oversee the implementation of Sustainable Finance, BCA has a specific work unit which is the Environment Sustainability Governance (ESG) Sub-Division.