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Tahapan Berjangka SiMuda

Savings account plus investment instrument

Why Tahapan Berjangka SiMuda?


Monthly deposit in autodebit from TabunganKu as the source fund account

Time Period

Select the deposit term from 1 to 20 years


Monthly deposit starts from IDR 100,000 wih multiple of IDR 50,000

Tahapan Berjangka SIMUDA

About Important Information Fees, Limits & Interest Rates Terms and Conditions Get the Product

Tahapan Berjangka SiMuda

Individual savings with regular deposits in a certain amount and time for the youth aged aged 18 to 30 years old.


Can have more than one Tahapan Berjangka SiMuda account linked to 1 source fund account
Life Insurance
Life insurance for guaranteed convenience
Rupiah Currency
Savings in Rupiah currency
Free Admin Fee
There is no administrative fee every month.
Free Deposit
Free to add funds at any time outside the monthly deposit.

Important Information

  • Interest rate fluctuations can occur following market developments
  • One time debit is counted as one time debit transaction in TabunganKu account
  • If funds are not available by the specified debit date, debiting process will be made at the end of the current month
  • If debiting fails for 3 consecutive months, the Tahapan Berjangka account will be closed automatically and the funds in it will be transferred to the source fund account
  • The customer cannot do the withdrawal or close the account before the saving period ends. If a fund withdrawal is made or an account is closed before the agreed date, the customer will be charged an account closing before maturity fee
  • Tahapan Berjangka Life Insurance is an insurance product of PT Asuransi Jiwa BCA and is not a product and responsibility of BCA and is not included in the coverage of the guarantee program as referred to in the laws and regulations regarding deposit insurance institutions
  • The use of the BCA logo and/or attributes in marketing documents is only intended to show a collaboration between BCA and PT Asuransi Jiwa BCA


  • Indonesian citizens with a minimum age 18 years and maximum 30 years
  • Have TabunganKu account
  • Agree to the Terms and Conditions of Opening account and Life Insurance Products
  • Not allowed to open a joint account

Interest Rates

Interest Rate per Year

Monthly Deposit (IDR)

Time Period (Year)

≥1 - <3

≥3 - <5

≥5 - <10


< 500,000


≥ 500,000 - < 1,000,000





≥ 1,000,000 1.20% 1.50% 1.70% 1.70%
Effective : October 1st 2022

Fees and Limits Tahapan Berjangka SiMuda

To accommodate its customer’s needs, BCA provides competitive limits and fees for each product and service. View the limits and fees for Tahapan Berjangka SiMuda below.



Deposit transaction at counter


Monthly administration


Debit failure


Insurance premium


Print/account mutation at branch

According to applicable terms and conditions

Account closing before maturity *)

1% of final Tahapan Berjangka balance

- Minimum of Rp 50.000, or
- Maximum equal to paid accumulated interest, whichever is the larger amount.
*) Account closure to death of account holder will result in automatic account closure, free of charge. Insurance benefits and funds associated with the Tahapan Berjangka account will be returned to primary source account.

Insurance benefits is the sum of insurance payment equal to the amount of Tahapan Berjangka SiMuda monthly deposit that has yet to be deposited:

Savings Period

Died due to

Sum Assured

< 1 Year




1 x Sum Assured, Max IDR750 million/cust.

> 1 Year


1 x Sum Assured, Max IDR750 million/cust.


1 x Sum Assured, Max IDR1.5 billion/cust



  1. Tahapan Berjangka Simpanan Mahasiswa dan Pemuda (“Tahapan Berjangka SiMuda”) means a savings account for individual customers into which the customer must deposit a fixed amount on a monthly basis for a certain period on the scheduled auto debit date selected by the customer.
  2. Source Account means an account from which the periodic auto debit payment is made each month into Tahapan Berjangka SiMuda, namely the TabunganKu account and/or any other account to be later determined by BCA. The owner of the Source Account must be the same person as the owner of the Tahapan Berjangka SiMuda account.


  1. Depositor of Tahapan Berjangka SiMuda must be an individual of Indonesian nationality who owns an identity card in accordance with the applicable law, with a minimum age of 18 years and a maximum age of 30 years (hereinafter referred to as the "Depositor").
  2. The Depositor may request the data concerning the Tahapan Berjangka SiMuda account at a BCA branch office or otherwise access the e-statement for the Tahapan Berjangka SiMuda account through KlikBCA Individual (if the Depositor already has an account with BCA that is linked to the KlikBCA Individual) or through any other facilities provided by BCA.
  3. If the Tahapan Berjangka SiMuda account is closed before the Maturity Date, the Depositor will incur an account closing fee.
  4. By opening the Tahapan Berjangka SiMuda account, the Depositor is bound by and agrees to these Terms and Conditions for Tahapan Berjangka Simpanan Mahasiswa dan Pemuda of PT Bank Central Asia Tbk (“BCA”). BCA may at any time amend any terms and conditions for the Tahapan Berjangka SiMuda account, and such amendment will be notified by BCA in any form and by any means in accordance with the prevailing law.

These Terms and Conditions for Simpanan Mahasiswa dan Pemuda of PT Bank Central Asia Tbk. (“BCA”) have been adjusted to ensure compliance with the prevailing laws and regulations including Regulations of the Financial Services Authority

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