BCA KlikPay

Online shopping payment in simple way

Why BCA KlikPay?

Limitless Transaction

Transaction anywhere anytime online

Quick and Easy

Using two types of payment via KlikBCA Individual and BCA Card


Secure transaction with OTP (One Time Password) sent to the customer's cellphone via SMS


About Important Information Fees & Limits Get the Service

BCA KlikPay

Convenient and trusted payment service for online shopping transactions via KlikBCA Individu or BCA Card


Various e-Commerce Merchant
Collaborating with hundreds of merchants for transactions using the KlikPay service
Proof of Transaction
Every time you make a BCA KlikPay payment, proof of the transaction will be sent via e-mail
Quick and Easy
Simply register to use BCA KlikPay

Important Information

See the list of merchants who have collaborated with BCA for KlikPay here

Terms of Use

  1. BCA means PT Bank Central Asia Tbk.
  2. BCA KlikPay means a facility provided by BCA to process the payment for a Transaction through the BCA KlikPay website.
  3. BCA KlikPay Account means an account obtained by the BCA KlikPay User after registering for BCA KlikPay and activating the Payment Type.
  4. Payment Type means any of the payment method options available to pay for the Transaction, namely, KlikBCA Individual and/or BCA Credit Card.
  5. BCA Credit Card means a BCA credit card that can be used to pay for the Transaction through BCA KlikPay, as will be determined from time to time by BCA. For the time being, the BCA Credit Card that can be used to pay for the Transaction is the BCA Card.
  6. Activation Code means a code combination sent by BCA’s system to the BCA KlikPay User’s e-mail address and mobile phone number that are registered with BCA for the purpose of activating the Payment Type.
  7. BCA KlikPay User means a customer that has a KlikBCA Individual User ID and/or a BCA Credit Card holder and that already has a BCA KlikPay Account.
  8. Merchant means a business owner that sells/offers their products and/or services through websites that accept payments through BCA KlikPay.
  9. One Time Password or OTP means a unique password generated by BCA’s system and sent in the form of a Short Message Service (SMS) to the BCA KlikPay User's mobile phone number registered on BCA KlikPay to make certain transactions on the BCA KlikPay website.
  10. Transaction means an electronic transaction in which the BCA KlikPay User purchases goods and/or services through the website of a Merchant that has entered into a cooperation arrangement with BCA.

BCA KlikPay Registration and Activation Types of Payment

  1. To obtain the BCA KlikPay Account, the prospective BCA KlikPay User is required to register for BCA KlikPay and activate the Payment Type.
  2. When registering for BCA KlikPay, the prospective BCA KlikPay User is required to:
    1. provide, among other things, the following:
      1. an active e-mail address.
        • If the Payment Type to be selected is KlikBCA Individual, the prospective BCA KlikPay User is required to enter their e-mail address as registered on KlikBCA Individual;
        • If the Payment Type to be selected is BCA Credit Card, the prospective BCA KlikPay User is required to enter their e-mail address as registered in the database of BCA Credit Card holders;
      2. a password; and
      3. an active mobile phone number. If the Payment Type to be selected is BCA Credit Card, the prospective BCA KlikPay User is required to enter their mobile phone number as registered in the database of BCA Credit Card holders.
    2. select the Payment Type that will be linked to the BCA KlikPay Account, and the Payment Type selection is subject to the following conditions:
      1. If the Payment Type to be selected is KlikBCA Individual, both the KlikBCA account and the KeyBCA of the prospective BCA KlikPay User must be active or unblocked;
      2. If the Payment Type to be selected is BCA Credit Card, the BCA Credit Card of the prospective BCA KlikPay User must be valid, active, or unblocked.
  3. BCA will not process the BCA KlikPay registration if the above conditions are not met or if BCA has other reasons in view of its policy, including the prospective BCA KlikPay User’s failure to enter their e-mail address and mobile phone number in accordance with the provisions specified in item 2.a above.
  4. The prospective BCA KlikPay User is fully responsible for all consequences that may arise from any misuse of the data provided at the time of the BCA KlikPay registration.
  5. After the BCA KlikPay registration is successfully processed, the prospective BCA KlikPay User must activate the selected Payment Type by entering the Activation Code.
  6. The BCA KlikPay activation is done on the following conditions:
    1. If the Payment Type to be selected is KlikBCA Individual, the activation is done through https://ibank.klikbca.com in the Administration menu – BCA KlikPay Activation. If the BCA KlikPay User’s KlikBCA Individual User ID is linked to more than 1 (one) account, the BCA KlikPay User must select the account that will be debited for the Transaction payment;
    2. If the Payment Type to be selected is BCA Credit Card, the activation is done through the BCA KlikPay website, namely https://klikpay.klikbca.com in the Administration menu - BCA KlikPay Activation.
  7. The BCA KlikPay User can modify, add, or delete the previously activated Payment Type through the BCA KlikPay website.


  1. Upon conducting a Transaction and selecting BCA KlikPay as the payment method, the BCA KlikPay User will be directed to the BCA KlikPay website to process the payment for the Transaction.
  2. To be able to make payment through the BCA KlikPay website, the BCA KlikPay User is required to log in to the BCA KlikPay account by entering the previously registered e-mail address and Password.
  3. When making payment for the Transaction, the BCA KlikPay User must ensure that their mobile phone number registered on BCA KlikPay is active and can receive the OTP.
  4. BCA does not guarantee or is under no obligation to check the validity of the Transaction data received from the Merchant.
  5. The BCA KlikPay User must check the Transaction data displayed in the Short Message Service (SMS) and on the BCA KlikPay website before making payment for the Transaction. Any Transaction payment that has been processed by BCA cannot be canceled. All consequences that may arise in connection with the Transaction payment shall be the full responsibility of the BCA KlikPay User.
  6. Payment will be made in Indonesian Rupiah (IDR).
  7. The BCA KlikPay User must ensure that the balance in the BCA KlikPay User’s account is sufficient (for the ‘KlikBCA Individual’ Payment Type) or that the BCA Credit Card limit is sufficient (for the ‘BCA Credit Card’ Payment Type) before making payment using BCA KlikPay.
  8. BCA may refuse to process the payment for a Transaction through BCA KlikPay, among others, if:
    1. the data entered by the BCA KlikPay User are invalid;
    2. the KlikBCA Individual account, BCA Credit Card, or PASPOR BCA Card owned by the BCA KlikPay User linked to the BCA KlikPay User's account as registered on BCA KlikPay cannot be used for conducting transactions according to the provisions applicable at BCA;
    3. the source account registered for BCA KlikPay from which payments are to be made is dormant or blocked;
    4. the balance of the source account registered for BCA KlikPay is insufficient;
    5. the BCA Credit Card limit of the BCA KlikPay User is insufficient;
    6. the daily limit for Transactions using the BCA KlikPay Account is insufficient;
    7. the Transaction exceeds the limit specified by the Merchant;
    8. The Payment Type selected to make the Transaction is not accepted by the Merchant.
  9. BCA will send a notification to the BCA KlikPay User’s e-mail address of any Transaction payment that has been processed by BCA.
  10. The daily minimum limit on the Transaction payment per BCA KlikPay Account is Rp10,000 (ten thousand rupiah) and the daily maximum limit is Rp100,000,000 (one hundred million rupiah). The above limits apply with due regard to the following:
    1. the limitation of the Transaction amount;
    2. the balance in the source account from which the Transaction is paid or the limit on the BCA Credit Card that is used to pay the Transaction.
  11. BCA may at its sole discretion change the limits on the Transaction payment as described above at any time, and such change will be notified by BCA to the BCA KlikPay User in any form and through any means.
  12. A Transaction can be paid in full (non-installment) or by installment according to the payment methods provided by the Merchant.
  13. Payment by installment can only be made using the BCA Credit Card.
  14. A Transaction made in one internet session can be paid in full by using only one of the available Payment Types.


  1. The BCA KlikPay User agrees that all data and instructions sent by the BCA KlikPay User as stored in BCA’s database in any form and all communications transmitted electronically between BCA and the BCA KlikPay User are correct and constitute valid evidence of the instructions given by the BCA KlikPay User to BCA although no written or signed documents are made or issued, unless proven otherwise by the BCA KlikPay User.
  2. BCA KlikPay User agrees that all instructions received and successfully processed by BCA constitute valid instructions given by the BCA KlikPay User. BCA is under no obligation to verify whether the party giving the instruction is the rightful BCA KlikPay User or assess or prove the accuracy or completeness of the instruction. All instructions received by BCA are legally binding and become the full responsibility of the BCA KlikPay User, unless proven otherwise by the BCA KlikPay User.

Security of BCA KlikPay Account and BCA KlikPay User’s Data

  1. The BCA KlikPay User must ensure strict security of the BCA KlikPay Account, among others, by:
    1. Not disclosing the Password, Activation Code, and OTP to other people in return for any gift or for any purposes, including family members, friends, BCA’s employees, and/or Merchants;
    2. Not writing down the Password, Activation Code, and OTP on desks, terminals, nor storing them in written form or on a computer application or a mobile phone, or any other storage facilities that are vulnerable to unauthorized access by others;
    3. Using the Password, Activation Code, and OTP carefully so as not to be seen by others;
    4. Not using a Password given by another person or one that is easily guessed, such as date of birth or a combination thereof, a telephone number, and the BCA KlikPay User’s name;
    5. Using a personal computer or electronic gadget to access BCA KlikPay.
  2. If the BCA KlikPay User no longer uses the e-mail address or mobile phone number previously registered when registering for BCA KlikPay, the BCA KlikPay User must close the BCA KlikPay Account to avoid any potential losses sustained by the BCA KlikPay User which may arise from the misuse of the BCA KlikPay User’s email and/or mobile phone number. All transactions made before the BCA KlikPay User closes the BCA KlikPay Account are the full responsibility of the BCA KlikPay User. To continue using BCA KlikPay, the BCA KlikPay User is required to re-register.
  3. If the BCA KlikPay User suspects that their Password has been known by others, the BCA KlikPay User must immediately change the Password on the BCA KlikPay website. All consequences that may arise in connection with the failure to change the Password are the full responsibility of the BCA KlikPay User.
  4. The BCA KlikPay User can change the Password or create a new Password on the BCA KlikPay website. BCA will send an email containing a link for changing the Password or creating a new Password to the BCA KlikPay User’s email address previously registered on BCA KlikPay. The BCA KlikPay User must immediately access the link provided by BCA to create the new Password within the period specified by BCA.
  5. The BCA KlikPay User is fully responsible for all the instructions given using the BCA KlikPay User’s e-mail address, Password, and OTP and processed by BCA before the BCA KlikPay User closes the BCA KlikPay Account. The BCA KlikPay User hereby holds BCA harmless against all claims, lawsuits, and/or other legal proceedings of any nature from any party related to the execution of such instructions.
  6. BCA reserves the right to not send the Activation Code or OTP if the BCA KlikPay User enters the wrong Activation Code or OTP up to certain times.
  7. For the sake of the BCA KlikPay User’s security, BCA reserves the right to block the BCA KlikPay Account, the BCA KlikPay User’s account, and/or the BCA KlikPay User’s Credit Card if the BCA KlikPay User enters incorrect data up to certain times.
  8. The OTP sent by BCA can only be used for 1 (one) transaction during the internet session for the relevant transaction. Once the OTP has been used or the session has ended, the relevant OTP cannot be used any longer. If the BCA KlikPay User wishes to repeat the transaction, the BCA KlikPay User is required to enter a new OTP.

Blockage Of BCA KlikPay Account

  1. The BCA KlikPay Account will be blocked, among others, if the BCA KlikPay User enters the wrong OTP 3 (three) times in a row when making payment for the Transaction.
  2. The blocked BCA KlikPay Account can be unblocked by the BCA KlikPay User by contacting Halo BCA.

E-mail and Phone Number

  1. The e-mail address registered by the BCA KlikPay User during the BCA KlikPay registration as referred to in item B.2.a above will be used by BCA to send information on the Transaction payment, Activation Code, and other notifications related to the transaction made through BCA KlikPay.
  2. The mobile phone number registered by the BCA KlikPay User when registering for BCA KlikPay will be used by BCA to send the Activation Code and OTP.
  3. The BCA KlikPay User will be charged a Short Message Service (SMS) fee by their mobile phone operator every time they receive the Transaction information, Activation Code, OTP, and/or other information sent by BCA to the mobile phone number of the BCA KlikPay User. The rate of the SMS fee may vary, depending on the policy of each mobile phone operator.
  4. BCA is not responsible for the correctness of the e-mail address or mobile phone number registered by the BCA KlikPay User.
  5. The BCA KlikPay User is fully responsible for all consequences that may arise in connection with:
    1. the transmission of the Transaction information, Activation Code and/or OTP to the e-mail address and/or mobile phone number and any other information related to the use of BCA KlikPay to the e-mail address registered by the BCA KlikPay User;
    2. the failure in the transmission of the Transaction information, Activation Code and/or OTP to the e-mail address and/or mobile phone number or any other information related to the use of BCA KlikPay to the e-mail address registered by the BCA KlikPay User if such failure is not caused by BCA's fault.
  6. BCA is not responsible for the confidentiality and/or misuse of any information and/or data sent by BCA related to any transaction made through BCA KlikPay after the information and/or data are sent out from BCA’s system.
  7. The notification sent by BCA to the e-mail address registered by the BCA KlikPay User only contains a notification of the transaction made by the BCA KlikPay User on the BCA KlikPay website. BCA is not responsible for any misuse of the notifications sent to the e-mail address registered by the BCA KlikPay User, including, among others, the transmission of any notifications by other parties claiming to be or act on behalf of BCA. In the event of any discrepancy between the data contained in the notification sent to the e-mail address registered by the BCA KlikPay User and the data recorded at BCA, the data recorded at BCA will prevail.

Account Debit and Credit Card Charges

  1. BCA has the right to charge a fee for the use of BCA KlikPay by the BCA KlikPay User.
  2. BCA may at its sole discretion change and/or increase the fee charged to the BCA KlikPay User at any time, and such fee change and/or increase will be notified to the BCA KlikPay User in any form and through any means.
  3. The BCA KlikPay User hereby authorizes BCA to debit the BCA KlikPay User’s account at BCA and/or charge the BCA KlikPay User’s BCA Credit Card to process the Transaction made by the BCA KlikPay User and to settle other obligations of the BCA KlikPay User that arise in connection with the Transaction and/or the use of BCA KlikPay by the BCA KlikPay User, which is sufficiently proven, among others, by an invoice, proof of delivery, or Transaction log.
  4. The authority referred to above cannot be revoked or terminated for any reason, including for the reasons described in Articles 1813, 1814, and 1816 of the Indonesian Civil Code as long as the BCA KlikPay User still has outstanding obligations to BCA related to the Transaction and the use of BCA KlikPay by the BCA KlikPay User.

Termination of Use of BCA KlikPay

The use of BCA KlikPay will terminate, among others, if:

  1. the BCA KlikPay User closes their BCA KlikPay Account;
  2. the BCA KlikPay account is closed by BCA under certain considerations;
  3. under certain considerations, BCA discontinues the BCA KlikPay facility;
  4. the law imposes a restriction and/or prohibition on the BCA KlikPay facility.

Force Majeure

BCA is not responsible for any consequences arising from a delay and/or non-execution of any instruction given by the BCA KlikPay User, whether partially or wholly, due to events or causes beyond BCA's control or ability (force majeure), including but not limited to natural disasters, war, riots, malfunction of equipment and systems, transmission disruption, power failures, telecommunication failures, and government policies. The BCA KlikPay User hereby holds BCA harmless against all claims, lawsuits, and or other legal proceedings related to the delay and/or non-execution of the instruction given by the BCA KlikPay User due to any force majeure events.

Intellectual Property Rights

All intellectual property rights attached to BCA KlikPay such as logos, photos, images, names, words, letters, numbers, writing, color arrangement, and any combination of the elements are the sole property of BCA. The BCA KlikPay User is prohibited from copying, reproducing, or using the same for any purpose and in any manner without the prior written consent of BCA.


  1. The BCA KlikPay User fully understands that:
    1. the products and/or services whose payments are made through the BCA KlikPay website do not constitute BCA’s products and/or services. Any matters related to the products and services offered on the Merchant’s website such as the quality, price, delivery and shipment of the products and services are the sole responsibility of the Merchant. Any dispute that may arise in connection with the Transaction is beyond the responsibility of BCA and must be resolved by the BCA KlikPay User with the Merchant.
    2. The correctness of the information provided on the Merchant’s website is the sole responsibility of the Merchant.
  2. The BCA KlikPay User hereby holds BCA harmless against all claims, lawsuits, and/or other legal proceedings of any kind and from any party whomsoever including the BCA KlikPay User themselves in connection with the products and/or services offered on the Merchant’s website, including but not limited to the quality, price, delivery and shipment of the products and services by the Merchant to the BCA KlikPay User.
  3. The BCA KlikPay User has fully understood the contents of these Terms and Conditions for BCA KlikPay of PT Bank Central Asia Tbk (“Terms and Conditions”).
  4. BCA may at any time modify, supplement or replace these Terms and Conditions, and such modification, supplementation, or replacement will be notified by BCA to the BCA KlikPay User in any form and through any means.
  5. By using BCA KlikPay, the BCA KlikPay User agrees to comply with and to be bound by the Terms and Conditions, Privacy and Security Policy, as well as other procedures applicable at BCA, which regulate the BCA KlikPay facility, including any modification to the Terms and Conditions, Privacy and Security Policy, as well as procedures, which will be notified by BCA to the BCA KlikPay User in any form and through any means.
  6. In the event of any dispute or difference of opinion in connection with the interpretation and implementation of these Terms and Conditions, BCA and the BCA KlikPay User agree to resolve such dispute in an amicable manner.
  7. Any dispute or difference of opinion that cannot be amicably resolved between the BCA KlikPay User and BCA will be resolved through the banking mediation facility at Bank Indonesia or the Financial Services Authority or by means of mediation through an Alternative Dispute Resolution Institution included in the List of Alternative Dispute Resolution Institutions established by the Financial Services Authority.
  8. Any dispute or difference of opinion that cannot be resolved in an amicable manner, by means of the banking mediation facility, and/or through the mediation described in item 7 above will be resolved through the District Court of Central Jakarta, without prejudice to BCA's right to file a suit or institute legal proceedings through any other District Court within the territory of the Republic of Indonesia.


Security Tips

  • Make sure to access BCA KlikPay through the official BCA KlikPay website address at www.klikbca.com/klikpay. To avoid writing errors on the BCA KlikPay website address, save the site address in the favorites or bookmarks menu, so that if you want to access BCA KlikPay, simply choose from the favorites or bookmarks menu.
  • Make sure to shop only at BCA KlikPay merchant partners. The name and address of the BCA partner merchant site can be seen on the Merchant menu/Merchant List on the BCA KlikPay website.
  • Make sure that the address of the merchant site you are visiting or typed in the browser address bar is correct as it appears on the Merchant List
  • Make sure after choosing BCA KlikPay as the payment method for online shopping on the BCA KlikPay merchant partner site, the domain address written in the browser address bar is https://klikpay.klikbca.com/
  • Make sure the OTP (One Time Password) code that you receive via SMS comes from sender 69888
  • Make sure the information in the form of merchant name, transaction nominal and transaction number listed on the SMS corresponds to the transaction you made
  • Make sure that you are logged out when you leave your computer even if only for a moment
  • You should not access BCA KlikPay in an internet cafe or network whose security cannot be ascertained
  • Never access the BCA KlikPay merchant partner site or the BCA KlikPay site via a link sent from email or sms or other means. Please note that BCA never sends email as described above to customers
  • Never inform OTP code to other people, even to BCA employees. Beware of fraudulent attempts from individuals who claim to be BCA employees by telephone, fax, email, sms or other means asking for personal data, including BCA KlikPay passwords or OTP codes, because BCA employees will not ask or ask about this
  • If there is an email or phone call or text like that which appears to be from BCA, what should be done is forward the email to halobca@bca.co.id or inform Halo BCA on number 1500888 from your cellphone. If the information requested has been filled in or you feel that your BCA KlikPay account and password are no longer confidential, immediately contact Halo BCA on 1500888 from your cellphone

Beware of Phising

Phishing is a fraudulent method used by certain parties to obtain confidential information on a customer such as email address and password. There are several ways, including:

  • Creating a fake website that has an address and appearance similar to the official BCA KlikPay website or the BCA KlikPay merchant partner site
  • Send a URL link to a site that is as similar as possible to the official BCA KlikPay site or the BCA KlikPay merchant partner site but turns out to be fake
  • Send an email or BBM containing a URL link or login screen and ask customers to log in by entering their email address and password
  • Pretending to be someone from BCA and asking for customer data for certain reasons

Fees & Limits

Transaction Fees

Every Activation Code and OTP Code sent to the customer during a transaction at KlikPay will be subject to an SMS fee which ranges from Rp. 275 to Rp. 660 according to the policies of each operator.

Transaction Limit

The maximum transaction per day at KlikPay is 100 million for one BCA KlikPay account, plus :

  • According to the account balance for KlikBCA Individuals
  • According to the credit card limit for the BCA Card

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